Swiftumz - Don't Trip [1985LP]

The problem with imaginary combinations is that many of them actually already exist. Don’t Trip sounds like a collaboration between Nick Nicely and Eric Hysteric, over which Tony Wilson and Alan McGee would get into a bidding war. Chris McVicker—a.k.a. Swiftumz, famous for penning the fastest selling Hunx & His Punx single—sambas through ’80s Factory singles, afternoon hits of MDMA on the beach, Ibizia before techno, Glaswegian nonchalance, Stolen Kisses and tripping at the Haçienda (the San Francisco one; Manchester’s closed down years ago). Seriously, it’s all present—but like any other great interpreter of Britain’s finest musical traditions, McVicker is just a guy from near Mac Dre’s hometown in Northern California who might laugh if one told him that “More Than Sleep” should be in a Sofia Coppola movie, because he was probably aiming higher than that. Like the best Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk commercial ever, Don’t Trip is your summer jam.