Who's Your Favorite Son God - Out Of Body Diva [120140]
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $12.00

"... one LP what got a lot've play while I was gone was the debut by Who's Your Favorite Son, God? and man, is it a keeper! See'em live down at SXSW was great, but the record fans the flames of hybridized (post) prog-swoggle and (proto) metal-mania like just about nobody else. What with this talk about brain transplants 'n' all, Who's Your Favorite Son, God? could almost be described as a union of Magma (mind) and MX-80 Sound (matter). I don't know about you, but I was jonesin' to hear somethin screamin' after Crowd Conrol (to no avail) and hey, if Christian Zander had kidnapped Rich Stim and Bruce Anderson, perhaps Attahk might've sounded as rad as this album. Who's Your Favorite Son, God? ably combine the dramatic and operatic pretense of Magma with the cool, aggressive delivery of MX-80 Sound and if you're thinkin' "that's somethin I gotta hear," you're right. My mom (remember her?) says they sound like Mahavishnu Orchestra should've if they were men (once you hear this you'll know what she means). Even the little Greek dude who delivers my beer opined "everything that Heavy The World isn't, Who's Your Favorite Son, God? is." And who am I to argue with a Greek? They invented civilization, buster! What have you ever done?" --Roland Woodbe, Siltblog