Kannibal Komix s/t LP [Colossal] 

Edan "Echo Party" LP [Five Day Weekend]—I've got to move. I asked for this in stores all over town and they had no idea what I was talking about. 

Sonny & The Sunsets "Tomorrow is Alright" LP [Soft Abuse] 

V/A "Electric Cambodia: 14 Rare Gems from Cambodia's Past" LP [Minty]—this was "curated" by a band who put their name on the cover. 

Jah Wobble "The Legend Lives On...Jah Wobble in 'Betrayal'" LP [Virgin]—You've always got to pick a record that makes people think you're an idiot. 

Motörhead "Ace of Spades" LP [Bronze]—I've had this many times over the years but I cannot tell you how nice it is to have it again minus the egregious gatefold and annoyingly thick protective sheath the new reissues on Earmark/Get Back are all plagued with.